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The reaction kettle with mechanical seal structure and working principle

Reaction kettle static ring and the relative rotation between the ring seal, belongs to the dynamic seal, rely on the spring loading device and medium pressure in relative rotation.Static contact area between ring and ring (face) to produce a proper clamping force, make the two bright and clean, flat end face tightly, to maintain a very thin layer of fluid between the end face seal.

Mechanical seal in the reaction kettle includes spring loading device, ring and static ring and auxiliary seal ring and so on four parts.

Mechanical seal in the reaction kettle generally have four face:

1. Reaction kettle static ring and static ring sealing between, is the static sealing reaction kettle, is usually made with flexible auxiliary seal to prevent leakage.

2. Reaction kettle static ring seal to equipment, is also the reaction kettle static seal, use common gasket to seal.

3. In reaction kettle between the ring and shaft seal, which is a relatively static seal, usually use O seal ring.The above three are all static seal, can produce take measures to prevent leakage.

4. Reaction kettle static ring and the relative rotation between the ring seal, belongs to the dynamic seal, rely on the spring loading device and medium pressure in relative rotation.Static contact area between ring and ring face to produce a proper clamping force, make the two bright and clean, flat end face tightly, to maintain a very thin layer of fluid between the end face seal.

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