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Sdmsseal took part in The 45rd Turbomachinery and 32 th Annual International Pump Users Smposia and Exhibit Show in Houston

Sdmsseal took part in one the main pumps events the 45rd Turbomachinery and 32 th Annual International Pump Users Smposia and Exhibit Show 2016 in the george R.Brown convention center, Houston,Texas,USA.

During the exhibition,our company staffs actively communicate with customers and experts from oil & gas industry,they made great efforts to expand the global market,it is the opportunity to meet several customers from pump manufacturers in order to evaluate results on productivity using our quality systems and to discuss new projects, but it is also a chance to exchange experience with others working in the mechanical seals .

views:2569    lable:mechanical seals,
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Company:Sdms Seal Co.,Ltd.
Add:No.8, Dongsi Road Gaoxin Industrial Zone Zigong, Sichuan,China
Tel: 0086-813-5100843
Fax: 0086-813-5100438
SDMSSEAL     In Business Since 1976