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Sdmsseal took part in the 13th China products (Mumbai India) Exhibition 2015

November 2015, Deputy General Manager Mr.Niming, participate in the "Made in China Exhibition" and “13th China products (Mumbai India) Exhibition 2015”
During the exhibition, extensive and in-depth local Indian host corporate pumps, mechanical seals manufacturer, mechanical seal using the enterprise exchanges, enhance understanding of the industry.
Indian Minister of Commerce Mr. Deepak Kesharkar visited to our booth, Deputy General Manager Mr. Niming detailed description of the company as well as product applications, and expressed optimistic about the Indian market, as well as cooperation with local companies business plan, Mr. Minister showed approval.
The company will continue to promote the internationalization strategy, the company's quality products and service delivery to more countries and region

Vice general manager NiMing and secretary general of the China council for the promotion of international trade Xu Hubin photographs

views:1881    lable:mechanical seal,india,
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Company:Sdms Seal Co.,Ltd.
Add:No.8, Dongsi Road Gaoxin Industrial Zone Zigong, Sichuan,China
Tel: 0086-813-5100843
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SDMSSEAL     In Business Since 1976