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API Certification Investigate Sdmsseal Company

In April 2015, Mr.Chen, the counselor of API certification investigate our company and he is so satisfy with our QMS,but he also give us more professional opinions to reach to international mechanical seals.   
ISO 9001 VS API Q1 in oil and gas industry
With the manufacturing level over time, your task as a professional quality management becomes more challenging each refresh. After some time, a fundamental change of quality management standards. Recently, the update to the brand of quality standards of the oil and gas industry is the ninth edition of API Q1 a a good example of the quality of management changes. Here are some key differences between API Q1 ninth edition and the latest version to ISO 9001 series of standards . Let's explore ISO 9001 VS API Q1 .
What is new in the latest version of API Spec Q1?
Many standard American Petroleum Institute (API) developed for the oil and gas manufacturing in the United States. In fact, API is the only way the industry associations in the United States, which is why the certification of API Q1 (and API Q2, as well) is a very important business. In some cases, the failure of API Q1 review is not conducive to the professional image of your company, at least. In the worst case, there is no API audit can greatly improve your costs.
The API announced in June 2013 its latest version of the API Q1, and want to maintain the quality standards certified API manufacturers must comply by what was in June 2014 so that these changes are difficult to manage from the "classic" structure deviated ISO 9001 series. Since it has been for the oil and gas industry, API Q1 ninth edition takes a different approach to quality management through risk assessment and risk management into the fold.
API Q1 Ninth Edition adds risk management
The most important change API Q1, you need to know is that the risk assessment and risk management standard API to add. In the ISO 9001 series is also less emphasis on the risk of official records; API Q1 integrates the entire standard of risk assessment and risk management. For your company, this change may not bring a lot of problems, if you have been incorporated into the risk assessment of quality management processes. For those who focus on enterprise risk management less, API Q1 Ninth Edition is a notable shift from the old ways of ISO 9001.
Overall, the new version of API Q1 includes five new chapters and more than 85 new articles. We can expect a good example of the type of change is part of the fifth API Q1, an increase of formal (emphasis added) contingency plans for quality management problems. Of course, your company has such emergency procedures, but the difference is, authorization API Q1, including those programs certified. Find a common quality management system and risk assessment between
7 key difference to ISO 9001 and API Q1 ninth edition
Risk definitely added to the latest version of the API Q1 business the most critical factor. However, you should pay close attention to other key difference. Industry-specific ISO 9001 quality management standards on the basis that most (if not all). In the structure, API Q1 from classic to ISO 9001 series of deviation, the final result but a standard of quality management system is still the same.
Some key differences, you should know the ninth edition of API Q1 and ISO 9001 between are:

Capacity and staff training official staff
Strengthen risk assessment and risk management throughout the standard
Contingency plans
Control of the supply chain
Preventive Maintenance
Design Verification
Change Management
As you can see, the latest version of the API Q1 and actually deviated from the method of ISO 9001 quality management. Method to ISO 9001 series will focus on the process, but API Q1 Ninth Edition requires a process and risk management in a way to speak. The bottom line to show the truth, there is no formal risk assessment of the quality of your plan, your company will not meet the minimum standards to obtain API certification. Software for managing your QMS
ISO 9001 hit all of these aspects, but the difference is the new standard in these areas meet formally incorporated into the API. Develop a quality management system standard API, you can take a top-down, your company is how to approach quality management wholesale refresh. To meet the new requirements of the API, you can not simply rearrange the terms of your quality manual to ISO 9001 standards and expect success.
Quality standards change over the years your task becomes more difficult as the quality of professional management. Update to the iconic quality management standard API Q1 representatives of the ninth edition of API fundamental shift from a process-based quality risk management in more oil and gas industry quality management-based approach. In the oil and gas industry quality management system

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