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Side stirring mechanical seal and introduction

Side-mixer widely used in petrochemical, paper, food, electricity, metallurgy, environmental and other industries, because of its relatively small diameter impeller, the installation location is rather special, stirring less power and other characteristics of the petrochemical industry in a number of large-scale application. In addition, because environmental protection requirements increasing, sulfur dioxide emissions are strictly controlled, resulting FGD plant construction is developing rapidly, side-entry mixers industry because many other features can be widely used in thermal power plant desulfurization. But it contains large amounts of flue gas desulfurization gypsum slurry chloride ions and, for mechanical seals have become increasingly demanding.
The actual conditions and the sealing system, we targeted the design and improvement in the overall seal and auxiliary systems, and reached consensus. He proposed the following scenario:

(1) With a double-end multi-spring mechanical seals, double mechanical seal sealing two axial and radial double seal double-face. I plant radial double seal, seal the upper end of the primary materials in direct contact with the slurry tank, friction material for cemented carbide for carbide (WC / WC), can prevent the particulate material into the friction surface and lead mechanical seal failure, but also extend the life of the mechanical seal secondary seal the lower end of the secondary seal, mainly to prevent the sealing liquid leakage, friction material is graphite Carbide (WC / M106K); with tap water as a sealing medium, to improve the heat sealing liquid end face asking friction lubrication and cooling, and the material from the outside world, in order to achieve material "zero leakage."
(2) Mechanical seals located in the lower stirrer of the slurry tank, a fraction of the material deposited on the bottom of the blender, in order to prevent the slurry into the seal caused by mechanical seal failure, so the mechanical seal the upper end of another string level secondary seal.
(3) In the lower two levels of seal design two sets of tapered roller bearings, which aims to limit axial movement of the shaft and radial runout, make sure to reach the mechanical seal operation and technical conditions.
(4) In order to facilitate mechanical seal removal, installation, maintenance, repair, mechanical seal assembly designed to be the hub, it is easy to separate from the shaft.

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