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Cleaning and inspection of the mechanical seal

The working principle of the mechanical seal requirements of the pump seal inside without any impurities. Before assembling the mechanical seal to be thoroughly cleaned ring, quiet ring, bushings, and other components. Focus on examination of the following aspects:

1. Whether the static ring surface scratches, cracks and other defects, these defects can cause severe mechanical seal leakage. Conditions can use special tools to check the sealing surface is smooth, the sealing surface is not flat, the pressure of water will enter the assembly of the mechanical seal static ring sealing surface, the static ring separately, mechanical seal failure. Tooling can be made in the assembly before the hydrostatic test if necessary.
2. Check whether there is influence of the static ring seat seal defects. Such as movement and movement ring seat ring gasket mating surface if there are scratches and other defects.
3. Check the mechanical seal damage and deformation compensation spring, stubborn coefficient is changed.
4. Check the sealing sleeve if there are glitches, grooves and other defects.
5. Check all gasket is clean cracks, holes and other defects, measuring apron diameter difference is within the working range.
6. The machine has a water pumping mechanism screw pump seal Also check for cracks spiral, break and other defects.

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