First clear role slurry pump seal, slurry mechanical seal
is used to prevent the body of slurry pump between the
shaft and the leak must be sealed components.
As for the choice of which
slurry pump seal,
according to the different conditions of the user. Because the seal in the form
of three slurry pumps have their own advantages and disadvantages.
First, packing, packing is the most common
kind of seal, seal water by injection in the form of continuous injection of
water under pressure in the packed inside, to prevent the leakage of slurry
pumps : not suitable for use to pay for the impeller shaft Tandem
pump seal, with packing seal. Simple packing seal structure, easy maintenance,
low price.
Followed expeller seal, expeller seal
through a reverse centrifugal impeller force to prevent slurry leakage. The
first stage slurry pumps import when positive pressure is not greater than
the slurry pump outlet pressure value of 10% of the single-stage or multi-stage
pump series pump shaft seal can adopt expeller, expeller seal has a seal
without water do not dilute slurry, good sealing effect and so on. Therefore,
in the case of the slurry does not allow dilution, consider expeller seal.
Once again, mechanical
seals generally require a relatively high sealing case. In particular, some
chemicals, the food industry, not only requires sealing, and most are not
allowed to add extra ingredients into the slurry pumps . Mechanical seals
disadvantage is the high cost, maintenance difficulties.
In short, slurry seal specific choice of
which requires specific customer mining conditions. These three forms slurry pump
seal itself no good or bad, you need to look at the customer's specific
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