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The characteristics of the mechanical seal and mechanical seal wear

The basic concepts, mechanical seal

(1) Seal head is a main sealing ring axial displacement of elastic element to follow the pairing of sealing ring components, the component is called sealing head.
(2) Seal seat is no elastic element matching ring components.

Second, the classification of the mechanical seal

According to sealing head of the mechanical seals installation position can be divided into: built-in type mechanical seal and external loading type mechanical seal;
According to the mechanical seal structure and arrangement of the elastic element points: single spring mechanical seal, spring, bellows mechanical seal, mechanical seal diaphragm, etc.
In accordance with the sealing face and sealing head can points: the number of single mechanical seal and double mechanical seal;
According to the medium degree of pressure unloading effect on the seal face is divided into: the balance type mechanical seal and the balance type mechanical seal.

Third, mechanical seal is relying on the elastic element of static/dynamic ring end face seal preloaded and medium pressure and the elastic element of pressure and the axial end face sealing device.General points of contact and non-contact mechanical seal mechanical seal two kinds big.Mechanical seal has the following six characteristics: complex disassembling inconvenience, long life, good resistance to vibration, high sealing pressure, need not adjust in operation (with spring and fluid pressure), leak amount can be limited to very few.
Fourth, five wear mechanical seal:

(1) Mechanical erosion wear (brush) : due to the high speed liquid or gas flow caused by denudation;
(2) Mechanical abrasion wear: caused by chemical corrosion cracks at high temperature is the most likely to happen this kind of wear and tear;
(3) Mechanical seal adhesive wear: two kinds of sliding friction pair material surface force formed by attracted to each other;
(4) Mechanical seal abrasive wear: two rough surface grinding cutting function or by foreign sundry charge do abrasive in the seal gap;
(5) The mechanical seal surface fatigue wear: sliding surface fatigue cracks caused by thermal stress and crack.

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